Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Last Gasp (Week 10 #23)

Creating and using a blog was fun. I may create a new personal blog in the future. The "fun" stuff was certainly where I found some of my favorite discoveries: Flickr, avatars, movies. Podcasting surprised me and holds some interest for continued use. While I wouldn't call some of the other resources we looked at fun or favorites, the exposure has given me a much fuller, hands on experience of the incredible (in both the good and bad senses!) of what's "out there".

How has the iHCPL experience assisted or affected my lifelong learning goals? I'm not sure yet. I'm sure the exposure iHCPL has given me to so many resources will result in triggers being pulled in the future when an application of something learned suddenly becomes evident.

Did anything surprise me? Yes, the simplicity of things that I had felt (obviously without basis!) would require a steep learning curve.

At the moment I have no further interests. iHCPL has been a good overall experience but it has also reached the point where I am ready for it to be over! I don't have suggestions to offer but I'm sure I'll find something of future interest in what others may suggest.

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